标题:《杭州爱论坛 桑拿天地:休闲生活的温暖港湾》

导语:随着生活节奏的加快,人们对于休闲生活的需求日益增长。在杭州,有一个充满活力和温馨的社区论坛——“杭州爱论坛 桑拿天地”,它不仅是一个交流休闲信息的平台,更是一个让人们在繁忙之余找到放松身心的温暖港湾。


“杭州爱论坛 桑拿天地”是杭州地区一个专注于桑拿、按摩、休闲娱乐的社区论坛。自成立以来,吸引了众多热爱休闲生活的市民参与,成为杭州地区休闲信息交流的重要平台。


1. 内容丰富

“杭州爱论坛 桑拿天地”涵盖了桑拿、按摩、休闲娱乐等多个领域,包括桑拿店推荐、按摩师评价、休闲娱乐活动等。无论是想要寻找高品质的桑拿场所,还是想要了解最新的按摩资讯,这里都能满足你的需求。

2. 互动性强


3. 专业性强

“杭州爱论坛 桑拿天地”拥有一支专业的编辑团队,对桑拿、按摩等领域的知识有着深入的了解。他们会对论坛内的信息进行严格把关,确保网友获取到的信息准确可靠。

4. 贴心服务

为了让网友们更好地享受休闲生活,“杭州爱论坛 桑拿天地”还提供了一系列贴心服务,如:





“杭州爱论坛 桑拿天地”自成立以来,在杭州地区享有较高的知名度。它不仅为市民提供了丰富的休闲信息,还推动了桑拿、按摩等行业的健康发展。以下是论坛的一些影响力体现:

1. 市民满意度高:根据调查,超过90%的网友对“杭州爱论坛 桑拿天地”表示满意。

2. 行业认可度:众多桑拿、按摩等场所纷纷与论坛合作,共同推广休闲文化。

3. 社会影响力:论坛举办的活动吸引了众多市民参与,为杭州的休闲生活增添了活力。


“杭州爱论坛 桑拿天地”作为一个充满活力和温馨的社区论坛,已经成为杭州地区休闲生活的重要阵地。在这里,网友们可以尽情享受桑拿、按摩等休闲项目,找到属于自己的温暖港湾。未来,“杭州爱论坛 桑拿天地”将继续努力,为市民提供更优质的服务,让休闲生活更加美好。






1. 水疗养生馆

2. 瑞典SPA

3. 禅意SPA

4. 欧洲风情SPA

5. 美容SPA


1. 环境舒适:选择一个环境优雅、氛围宁静的SPA馆,有助于放松身心。

2. 服务专业:了解SPA馆的服务质量,选择服务专业、手法娴熟的技师。

3. 价格合理:根据自己的预算,选择性价比高的SPA馆。

4. 项目丰富:根据个人需求,选择适合自己的SPA项目。







1. 服务流程规范:从接待客人到结束服务,技师们严格遵守服务流程,确保每位顾客都能享受到舒适、周到的服务。

2. 技术精湛:技师们熟练掌握各种桑拿手法,如按摩、推拿、刮痧等,能够根据顾客的需求提供个性化服务。

3. 持续学习:为了不断提高自身专业素养,杭州桑拿技师们积极参加各类培训,学习新技能、新知识。



1. 仪表端庄:技师们穿着统一的工作服,整洁大方,展现专业形象。

2. 举止得体:在服务过程中,技师们举止优雅,态度和蔼,给顾客留下良好的第一印象。

3. 语言表达:技师们具备良好的语言表达能力,能够用礼貌、亲切的语言与顾客沟通,让顾客感受到家的温暖。



1. 耐心倾听:技师们耐心倾听顾客的需求,了解他们的喜好,为顾客提供更加贴心的服务。

2. 良好的沟通:技师们善于与顾客沟通,通过沟通了解顾客的心理状态,调整服务方式,让顾客感受到关爱。

3. 适度的关心:在服务过程中,技师们会适时关心顾客,如询问是否感到舒适、是否需要调整水温等,让顾客感受到温暖。



1. 良好的道德品质:技师们具有良好的道德品质,诚实守信,尊重顾客,为顾客提供优质服务。

2. 团队协作:技师们具备良好的团队协作精神,相互支持、相互学习,共同为顾客提供优质服务。

3. 创新意识:技师们具备创新意识,不断探索新的服务方式,为顾客提供更加丰富的体验。








1. 地址:杭州市曙光路122号
2. 邮编:310000
3. 附近公交站:黄龙体育中心黄龙洞跑马场、黄龙公交站等




1. 自然景观:太空舱桑拿中心位于杭州市黄龙体育中心附近,周边自然环境优越,绿化覆盖率高,空气清新。

2. 商业配套:周边商业发达,餐饮、购物、娱乐等一应俱全。如杭州大厦、银泰城、西溪印象城等大型购物中心,以及黄龙洞美食街等特色美食聚集地。

3. 交通设施:太空舱桑拿中心周边交通便捷,公交线路和地铁线路交织,方便消费者出行。

4. 医疗资源:周边设有杭州市中医院、浙江省人民医院等知名医疗机构,为消费者提供医疗保障。







1. 杭州滨江桑拿:位于杭州滨江区的桑拿场所,环境优雅,设施齐全,服务专业。这里不仅提供桑拿、按摩、水疗等服务,还有茶道、红酒品鉴等活动,为顾客带来全方位的休闲娱乐体验。

2. 海纳百川、大浪淘沙、盛世巴黎:这三家位于杭州市区的桑拿场所,以优质的服务、优雅的环境和专业的技师而闻名。技师们美丽大方,服务态度热情,是消费者们休闲娱乐的首选之地。

3. 晚欲雪男士会馆:遍布于一二线主流城市的男士桑拿按摩spa会馆,为业界精英人士提供娱乐、休闲、疗养于一体的休闲生活。会所内红酒水疗、spa、中式餐点等设施齐全,让您在享受桑拿的同时,身心得到舒缓。

4. 杭州上城区桑拿Spa休闲场所:作为本市最好的养生馆TOP1,这里的桑拿Spa休闲场所环境奢华典雅,服务周到,是商务会面、放松心情的理想之地。


1. 环境舒适:选择桑拿娱乐场所时,首先要关注其环境是否舒适。一个干净、整洁、温馨的环境,能让人在享受桑拿的同时,感受到家的温馨。

2. 服务专业:桑拿娱乐场所的服务质量直接影响到顾客的体验。选择一家服务专业的场所,可以让您在享受桑拿的过程中,感受到宾至如归的待遇。

3. 项目丰富:一家出色的桑拿娱乐场所,应该提供多样化的服务项目,满足不同顾客的需求。如桑拿、按摩、水疗、茶道、红酒品鉴等。

4. 口碑良好:了解一家桑拿娱乐场所的口碑,可以通过网络、朋友推荐等方式。选择口碑良好的场所,可以确保您享受到优质的服务。



Although he has the blood of a divine phoenix, he still has to lower his head in front of Long Huang!

"Tianfeng, you cannot escape!"
Su Mo’s voice slowly came to the bone.
"Ha ha ha ha!"
Tianfeng can see that she can’t escape. She just gave up her life and laughed. "It’s not my bad luck! This time, if I get the bone, I will have a chance to become a phoenix. At this time, you are running for your life! "
Tianfeng’s great power refused to give in easily, and Yuan Shen, Qi and blood, and mana have all been advanced to the limit and rushed towards Su Mo!
Su Mo looked afraid of the whole person as if he had swooped into a huge fireball!
A loud noise!
The flames are everywhere.
It was a short pause when Tianfeng’s great power was swallowed up by this huge fireball.
Su Mo’s figure reappeared, and he calmed down a little and continued to gallop towards Shenhuang Island.
Didn’t escape far Su Mo suddenly felt a palpitation!
It’s like being stared at by something terrible. It could be a disaster at any time!
He has stepped into the fit environment and achieved great success. On this day, there is not much that the wild mainland can threaten others!
There is a possibility that he can feel the crisis.
Mahayana bodhi old zu!
I don’t know if it’s the bodhi old zu in Penglai Island or the bodhi old zu in the Sun.
Su Mo’s warning signs flashed in his heart!
He kept looking up consciously.
See the sky suddenly dim.
A huge black cloud hovered over his head and rolled like ink!
Gradually, this huge cloud rotates to form a huge vortex.
There is a strange force in the center of the vortex.
Su Mo stared at the center of the whirlpool and looked dignified.
Generate in the center of the whirlpool gives a touch of divine light!
Fortunately, Su Mo’s eyes melted into the candle stone, otherwise this divine light would be enough to blind his eyes!
See the vortex center Su Mo can’t help but gasp in air conditioning.
The center of the black cloud vortex turned out to be a huge eye!
At this time, the eyes kept a close eye on Su Mo. It seems that Su Mo can’t hide from the eyes wherever he fled!
Su Mo killed Penglai Island Shaozhu and many fit powers in Penglai Island’s big killing town, and finally shocked the Mahayana bodhi old zu!
Not surprisingly, this should be the ancestor of Penglai Island.
If the bodhi old zu of the Sun nationality exudes breath, it should be different
This eye suddenly blinked!
A terrible force enveloped Su Mo’s body, and the flame was almost extinguished. All the bones gave a creaking sound as if they were about to fall apart!
This is the Mahayana bodhi old zu power!

Kong Xuan heard hurriedly, "The good teacher’s father learned that the demon race seemed to really obey the orders of Nu Wa Empress and generally showed weakness to Wumen, which seemed to ease the trend."

Li Suiyun raised his eyebrows and said, "Is it difficult for the demon family to give up?"
Xuanpu carefully said at this, "Master, the Wumen are not peaceful recently, and the eleven Wuzu are full of contradictions with each other. The Terran master Suirenshi is already old and has two minds staring at the throne, but it is hard to see for a while that both sides have their own minds and brothers, and the Godsworn is always mixed."
Li Suiyun snorted. "Do you two want to play games, too?"
Kong Xuan and Xuanpu were frightened and even said, "Dare not, dare not."
Aphrodite couldn’t bear to touch Li Suiyun’s sleeve and change the subject in a low voice when she saw that they were afraid. "What are your plans now?"
Li Suiyun pondered for a moment as if he were talking to himself. "There is chaos in the universe, but you can’t stay here. You need to find a place overseas to be a good Sect …"
Kong Xuan was taken aback and didn’t come to talk. Xuanpu had already preempted him. "Master, it’s a blessed place with one of the best veins in the world, and it’s not too bad if Pangu Great God doesn’t law it."
Kong Xuan nodded repeatedly. "Master Xuanpu is right. Although this blessed land is a foreign object, it is a pity to abandon it. Please ask Master to think twice."
Li Suiyun took one look at Aphrodite and knew that she was also reluctant to give up. She smiled slightly. "Here, Pangu moved mountains and cast great magic to form a treasure. How could I throw it away? Now, if my mana is overwhelming, I don’t have much strength. It is better to move this blessed land to the sea as soon as possible, and this vast world will be destroyed. "As soon as this remark came out, the three people in the audience did not change color, and they blurted out," Master, you said that this vast world can’t be guaranteed … "
Li Suiyun glanced at Xuanpu and shook his head slightly, sighing in his heart that he always looked down on etiquette. As a result, these younger brothers were always so disrespectful, although they could tell the difference between seniority and inferiority. Although they thought in their hearts, they said, "There is a great chaos among them, and there are many brothers with great magical powers who will fight to make this world safe?"
Aphrodite here let out a scream in a low voice, and reluctantly settled his mind. It’s unbelievable to tunnel, "I still know the strength of the Eastern Godsworn. If you say it like that, wouldn’t the whole world be shaken …"
Li Suiyun’s face was relaxed and light. "I was lucky enough to spy on the secret and know some changes in heaven. Is it the only change in the East?" The contradiction between heaven and earth has accumulated to a certain extent, and the world will not be the same only as the Eastern War. "
After hearing this, Aphrodite’s face changed again. She had already heard the subtext of Li Suiyun. Sooner or later, there would be a war in the west. Look at that posture, but the whole world was destroyed. It was the first time that she even heard such remarks. Both of them were shocked by the ending, but it never occurred to her that Li Suiyun was vague. This time, she said it so bluntly.
In fact, Li Suiyun said so bluntly, but he really couldn’t bear to watch his brother die in this chaotic war. It seems that he has avoided it. Maybe so. atrix himself should be careful to deal with it, not to mention that these two repairs are still very shallow.
Kong Xuan is always an elite. He has a face of the right path. "Master, don’t you know such a great event? Still have to be developed by the situation? "
At Kong Xuan Li Suiyun appreciatively nodded, "You’re right. Hugh said that I had a peep into the cat’s nest, that is, several brothers from the same school, Taikoo, and several great gods all saw this matter. It’s not without room for saving, but …"
Kong Xuan’s face was filled with joy when he heard "room to save", but then he heard Li Suiyun say "but" and his heart thumped and said, "Master is nothing?"
Li Suiyun glanced at Kong Xuan and didn’t blame him for interrupting. He continued, "If Nu Wa Empress didn’t put her hand in one fell swoop to kill the top of the demon race, since then, Wumen Daxing has led feng Sao to be the protagonist of this day. It’s a pity that the world can be peaceful. It’s a pity that Man proposes, God disposes, and Nu Wa Empress put her hand in one hand, but it saved the vitality of the demon race but broke the last life of the wild."
Xuanpu listened to the anger in his eyes. Sheng Chen said, "Master is like you. If this ancient great god and several masters make moves together, they may not be able to reverse Gankun …"
Li Suiyun listened to sneer at a way: "You think too simply, not to mention that these great gods are hard to get rid of each other and can’t phase each other. Wouldn’t you be impregnable? Witch gate, demon race annihilated and then re-evolved. Since then, Terran has been the protagonist all day, but it is not a bad thing. "
Aphrodite snorted, "I’m afraid there will be a door to replace the witch door, and the demon family will be the first door all day, and the day after tomorrow, the friar will debut …"
Li Suiyun chuckled, "Then I, my door, will stand in the secular world."
Everyone is arguing that suddenly someone reported that Empress Xuan Ming had gone out of the valley and was waiting for her call, but she was afraid to enter.
Li Suiyun saw this and said that the micro-motion in his heart immediately made Kong Xuan go to reject it
Oneself and Aphrodite and Xuanpu are preparing things in the valley to move.
The WuZuXuanMing waiting outside the blessed land to see the army of soldiers is also bored in my heart.
She knew that at this time, Wu Men’s theory would increase and Li Suiyun could not be friends with each other but should not be enemies.
Although Qiang Liang and Yin Candle were confused for a while, there was a bad blood between the two sides, but it was not without easing each other, and many people may have to pay some price to pull this good man back to their own camp. Therefore, Xuan Ming had the cheek to rely on the friendship with Li Suiyun to discuss it.
Waiting for a moment, but seeing a teenager coming quickly, I couldn’t help but feel angry. The previous Li Suiyun personally greeted him and didn’t want to prove the mixed yuan today. He also talked about ostentation and extravagance and actually sent a younger brother to meet him, but he didn’t look down on himself.
Kong Xuan here also ignored Xuan Ming’s anxious thoughts. "I don’t know if the empress is far away, but please forgive her …"
Xuan Ming didn’t bother to drink coldly. "I’m looking for Brother Qingxu. I don’t know where he is because of something important?"
Kong Xuan listened to the unhurried way, "Empress, my master is sitting dead and refining the magic tower of heaven. Please forgive me, too." It was another gift.
Xuan Ming see so eyebrows a wrinkly slightly and then said, "since qingxu brother sit that Aphrodite can be in? She is a pure and empty brother’s companion, but she can also sit in the main place. "
Kong Xuan did not hesitate to say, "Haojiao Empress learned that Master Shi Niang’s dharma protector was also autistic and disturbed. Please forgive me for being rude."
Xuan Ming also knew from hearing this that Li Suiyun even deliberately didn’t see it. If not, which saint would refine the magic weapon immediately after sanctification? What’s more, even though both husband and wife are closing the door and letting themselves rest in the blessed land for a while, they have lost their manners, but today they are shutting themselves out.

A hundred years may seem short, but many unexpected changes may occur!

And I don’t know Su Mo’s heart is always accompanied by a kind of uneasiness.
Maybe it’s the pressure from the Great Jinxian Kingdom, or the threat from King Yun You, or some other unexpected crisis …
Sumo wants to get rid of the eye dilemma as soon as possible!
A month is very urgent for others.
But it’s enough for him!
More than 100,000 strong immortals participated in the Xianzong election, which means that there are ten Panlong orders in the valley.
If you want to win in the end, Su Mo can win about 1000 pieces, and Panlong Ling can enter the top 100!
"ah! Look at the red rainbow princess won! "
"The red rainbow princess defeated another person and gained a lot. The total number of her tokens should be more than 3,000!"
Next to a burst of wonder.
"Princess Chihong?"
Su Mo moved in his heart.
He is a little sensitive to what he hears now.
"Which fairy country is the princess of Chihong and also came to participate in the fairy election?"
Su Mo asked little.
"The monarch of Chihong comes from the country of the sun and the fairy"
The Xuanxian pointed to the water curtain and a young girl’s eyes showed a trace of admiration.
The girl is wearing a high ponytail and a red suit, with a slim waist and ribbons and red boots.
Around the girl, there are dozens of latosolic red blood flying swords, firm but gentle and sharp, and no one dares to approach them!
The Xuanxian paused a little before saying, "Over the years, some of the kings and monarchs of the major immortals have chosen to participate in the election of the immortals, hoping to join the four immortals and learn some different teachings in some countries."
Princess Mengyao is such a monk.
Of course, in Su Mo’s view, the kings and monarchs of the major immortals chose to worship the four immortals. In addition to this person’s saying that learning different Taoism should have another meaning.
It is these bridges between the county kings and monarchs that have established the four immortals, resulting in too much conflict.
These top forces in the fairy land are too large and intertwined, and they will try their best to exercise restraint and will not break out too much conflict.
Of course, I heard that Su Mo’s confidence in the four immortals was one more point.
Even if the monarch of your county wants to join the four immortals, there is no shortcut. You have to participate in the general election of immortals.
This alone shows that the four immortals can really compete with the three immortals!
Su Mo’s eyes turned and fell on the unified camp where many queues of monks in two places were uniform and decorated.
These monks are not as disciplined as other monks, and they whisper to each other. It is obvious that they are from the army of Godsworn in Fairyland!

Xiao Mo Lengyi didn’t refute it. Since Qin Changfeng returned to the wild world, she suddenly found herself. The gap between his strength is beyond imagination. Therefore, catching up with Qin Changfeng as soon as possible is the most urgent thing for her now, and she doesn’t want to mind her own business.

Yu Yunu also smiled and led Qin Changfeng to the duke’s mansion. Although she was not afraid of fighting, she was never a combative person.
The castellan’s mansion is naturally the highest commanding mansion in the whole northern days. Now the nominal owner is the ruin king Qin Changfeng. When he entered the hall, he saw that he and the sorrow king were both there and they all looked dignified. After the end of the war, they were relaxed and completely different. It seems that when Qin Changfeng left this period, what emergencies seriously affected their mood.
Seeing that he was puzzled, Jun directly said, "It’s news from heaven that Yiqiu Jun was ambushed outside crossing the waves and accidentally fell into the enemy’s bones. Finally, he left a picture of his tears and roars, and he stayed in the dark. The lantern has been extinguished."
This sentence contains a lot of information, some of which are still unknown to Qin Changfeng. Jade slave Linghui immediately explained to him that Qin Changfeng knew how serious this matter was.
First of all, Yuan Shen’s fire lamp is to leave a soul fire in the dark room every other time. When it goes out, it means that its owner has fallen!
Secondly, before Qin Changfeng was canonized, there were three great monarchs, Yi Qiujun, and one of them was the strongest one, so what his fall meant to the Dark Division and how it would shake it.
This incident not only makes the Dark Division lose a pillar, but also makes the Dark Division face and prestige suffer great losses … How can the Dark Division fall without saying anything?
This kind of suspicion is extremely fatal to the dark division based on killing, punishment and deterrence. If it is not handled properly, the dark division’s position in heaven will probably plummet in the future.
"Yi Qiujun’s theory of death and darkness must be checked in the end, no matter who the shooter is, he can’t let go!" Yes, you are adamant that the cold light is exposed in your eyes. This revenge must be reported and retaliated in the most violent way as soon as possible. Otherwise, who will take the dark decision company seriously?
Worry Jun added, "We’ll find out the target together for such a big event, but I have military orders and I can’t leave the battlefield at present, so I can leave it to you."
At this moment, Qin Changfeng just finished watching the picture before the final fall of Yu Yiqiu from heaven, but after listening to the words of you, he will temporarily press Su to answer, "Don’t worry, this is my job. They dare to attack and kill Yiqiu Jun today, so they dare to do the same thing again, and they will not find out who is behind it."
There’s nothing just and grandiose, but it’s more true. Jun Ye and Jun You secretly nodded their approval.
"I know that you still have the Emperor of Heaven. When you return to Heaven, all the forces are beyond your control. It won’t take long to find out the truth. If the target is difficult, you can ask the Emperor for help. If everything goes well, it should be more than enough, which will not affect your going out of bounds."
They are not worried about whether they can find out the murderer behind the scenes, because the Dark Division has several talents and the ability to serve the Godsworn is unparalleled in the world. Their only concern is that since the other party can let Yiqiu fall, it can be seen that at least one statue of the king is in danger, so I am afraid that I will wake him up. Don’t be brave. If necessary, I can ask the Emperor for help, although this will greatly reduce the results of the dark division’s revenge action.
"Let’s talk about it then."
Qin Changfeng has his own plan. If it’s possible, of course, it’s best to solve the problem by himself. Now he must think about the problem by secretly deciding his status as a gentleman. This is what he must do at the same time by taking advantage of the position and power of heaven.
Chapter nine hundred and sixty God Character Seal
Frost, snow, snow, world, Subai, an amazing team, broke out from the north and galloped towards the south, making a terrible roar, like a patrol of the battlefield …
Although the virtual clan army has receded, you and Ye Jun will continue to guard the North Heaven for thousands of years, and the accidental fall of Qiu Jun at the boundary of heaven can be handled by Qin Changfeng, a new king.
Everything has been planned. Naturally, it is necessary to leave the final battlefield and return to heaven as soon as possible.
Qin Changfeng had to go to another place tens of thousands of miles away to guard Xuantiandu, the original eye fairy city, before he could send the altar to the final battlefield through there.
It is often seen that the cold wind and snow in the northern heaven are swaying all the way. After the patrol war, I walked out of my hiding place and prepared to return to the northern heaven.
When they met Qin Changfeng’s first team, they immediately stopped and stood at a distance to salute, and then set off after they passed.
Qin Changfeng naturally smiled and nodded, leaving a fairly good impression. He didn’t stop on his way until he met a group of celestial monks carrying a strange ice coffin. He frowned slightly and asked, "Who is in the coffin?"
Opposite the monk, four men and one woman all looked haggard, and the armor was full of scars. Smell speech showed a respectful expression, while Yu Guang secretly looked at Qin Changfeng but did not reply.
With Qin Changfeng, a few secret immortals came to detain them, and their eyes sank, and they were about to make trouble. At this moment, the jade slave’s lips were light and inspired as beautiful as a jade plate. "The emperor of heaven personally sealed the fairy gentleman and didn’t answer truthfully to your face?"
Several monks who escorted the ice coffin saluted immediately with a quiver. "See Xian Jun, the ice in this ice coffin is a statue of the virtual half-step god king. Although it has not yet broken through the last step, it already has the flesh and blood body. Tens of thousands of talents who died in ice cloud Hecheng Force will be beheaded and sent to the northern days. Please ask Tian Jun to decide."
What they didn’t answer before was because although they knew that the pedestrian across the street must have an extraordinary identity, they didn’t know who it was. Therefore, such a secret naturally won’t be easily said. Now, knowing that the person face to face is the Emperor of Heaven who recently sealed the fairy king, naturally they dare not hesitate again.
However, the ice coffin seals the body of the half-step god king of the virtual family, which is very close to and quite complete because it already has the flesh and blood god body, which is of great research value to heaven, and it is hoped to find out the defects or flaws of the virtual family god body
You know, in the long battle in the past, heaven rarely got such a virtual god body, because even if there is a god king who is about to die, he will choose to blow himself up at the last minute, without leaving heaven a chance to peep at its secrets.
This time, it was also a coincidence that many monks’ lives were sacrificed to ensure that such a divine body needed to be sent to the northern days. It is a great achievement for the whole cold cloud. Each of them who participated in the battle has less than 100,000 meritorious deeds, which is enough to exchange a good life-saving magic weapon or Dan medicine, which is equivalent to half a life to make them live and die in the battlefield.
"Virtual flesh and blood god body …"
Qin Changfeng thoughtfully a little abrupt eyes a bright way "this ice coffin gentleman sign"
It suddenly occurred to him that since a plan can push the performance of the "fairy" character seal, there can also be a "god" character seal. Although he didn’t practice Shinto, Xiao Mo was a ghost body, and it was not impossible to add the half-step god king body in this ice coffin to penetrate the source secret of the virtual god body.
Once the word "God" is printed, his fighting power will be even higher when he faces the virtual god king.
A thought in front of this ice coffin is to cherish the virtual family god body for Qin Changfeng is all.
"This ….." Opposite the monk’s face changed greatly. How many talents have been sacrificed in ice cloud to get this divine body? As a result, they were cut off before they arrived in the north days. How can they explain to the people who are still alive and dead in ice cloud?
But if they want to reject a statue of a gentleman head-on, they don’t have such courage to feel in a dilemma.

"Who told you to do it?" Liang Wang asked

"Han Tong" xing wei immediately replied.
"Is it your plan to take care of your family?" The king of grain asked again
"This ….. this I didn’t interfere, but they should get" Xing Wei stammered in response.
Zhu Maoshan immediately shouted, "Take him to Han Tong."
"There was a small light jumping out of the window in the uncle building." A young man rushed from the building and shouted.
Zhu Maoshan pondered for a long time and immediately urged, "Go quickly. They may have to give a message to the opposite side."
Zhu Maochen stared at Xing Wei’s chest with a pedal and asked, "Where is Han Tong? !”
"I’m talking to those reporters in the next building." Xing Wei knows what to say.
"Go faster!"
Zhu Maoshan threw a sentence and turned to go.
As soon as the gun went off, the superintendent heard the noise. In addition, the situation in Yanbei is complicated tonight. There are so many police officers on duty that half of the team came at the first time.
Zhu Maoshan’s work is flat and agile to the extreme. After taking Xing Wei away, he took people straight to the Korean company.
Police officers and Zhu Maoshan and others misunderstood two streets and added hours to the latter.
At the same time
Gu Taian Longgui Battalion of World War II Zone called Gu Juwan in the office.
"Let the troops enter the designated position according to the attack plan, and I will let them go for another half an hour!" Gu Taian tone no doubt said
"got it"
Gu juwan immediately hung up the phone and walked quickly to the sand table and waved and shouted, "Let the military personnel enter the field. The commander must be directly under the command of the headquarters."
Several signalmen saluted and left.
The third girl in the downtown street was wearing underpants and running wet, holding words in her hand and yelling, "Someone came to the villa and shot."
"Who is it?"
"I don’t know. I ran away in the building."
"… impossible who his mama ate fake medicine dare to hug the fire at this time? !” Han Tong does not believe it.
"It’s a real call. Don’t be there. Hurry up." Xiaosan said in a hurry. "I’ll call Xing Wei again."
When the two talked, several cars had stopped at the entrance of the building, and Zhu Maoshan took people directly to the car.
The vice president of the office of the headquarters of the Han’s regiment hurried in and said, "There’s something wrong with the villa. Someone has infiltrated the Yanbei gun."
Korea’s three thousand one hundred leng "who? It’s impossible for troops to enter the city at this time. !”
"I don’t know who it is," the vice president shook his head.
Korea’s three thousand didn’t know at the moment that the third-class shells were blown to Zhu Yulin’s place, and he thought for a moment and said, "Is that Qin Yu from Songjiang stealing back? You call Xiao Tong and let him go first. "
"Good" vice president nodded.
Building lobby
Six or seven security guards rushed in at the door, and a group of people immediately got up and stopped them.
Zhu Maochen shot three times directly into the sky. "Get out!"
Zhu Maoshan tugged at Xing Wei’s collar. "What floor?"
"Ten … fourteenth floor" Xing Wei swallowed and said.
Zhu Maoshan stretched out his hand and pressed a ladder.
Qin Yu hesitated to wake up and said, "They are all from Peking University."
"Fuck it!" Zhu Maoshan cold eyes scold a way "old or put food in three areas have to mess, then what am I? !”
Qin Yu was shocked and suddenly thought of what Erzhu could play with Gu Yan so well. Did they really get along by themselves?
Grain Wang Hu is lying in the area to be planned, and the company is there but not there.
Does this say a lot of questions?
"I’m not allowed to let anyone off the first floor!" Zhu Maoshan pointed to his younger brother and ordered a step and walked into the ladder.