




1. 丰富的种类


2. 环境优雅


3. 优质服务


4. 舒适的设施



1. 便捷的交通


2. 竞争激烈,品质优良


3. 拥有丰富的养生资源








1. 桑拿体验:馆内设有多个桑拿房,采用天然材料建造,为您带来舒适、健康的桑拿体验。

2. 按摩护理:根据中医理论,技师们运用推、拿、揉、捏等手法,为您舒缓肌肉紧张,解除疲劳。

3. 美容美体:馆内设有专业的美容美体中心,提供皮肤护理、身体塑形等服务,让您焕发青春光彩。

4. 香薰疗法:精选天然香薰油,结合放松音乐,帮助您达到深度放松的状态,缓解压力。


1. 茶艺表演:馆内设有茶艺室,您可以在这里欣赏到优美的茶艺表演,品尝香醇的茶水。

2. 江南民俗表演:馆内定期举办江南民俗表演,让您领略到江南文化的独特魅力。

3. 健身运动:馆内设有健身房,为您提供各种健身器材,让您在享受休闲的同时,保持身体健康。









1. 健康安全:场所内部设施齐全,环境优雅,符合国家相关卫生标准,确保顾客在使用过程中身心健康。

2. 服务专业:拥有专业的服务团队,为顾客提供热情、周到的服务,让顾客享受舒适的养生体验。

3. 项目丰富:提供多种桑拿项目,满足不同顾客的需求,如汗蒸、水疗、按摩等。


1. 晚欲雪男士会馆


2. 杭州龙凤网养生会所


3. 高端养生局


4. 杭州滨江桑拿










1. 支持出示身份证观点


2. 反对出示身份证观点





1. 政府部门应加强对桑拿场所的监管,确保疫情防控措施落实到位。同时,加强对个人信息保护的监管,防止个人信息泄露。

2. 桑拿场所应建立健全内部管理制度,在保障疫情防控的同时,注重顾客的隐私保护。例如,可以通过非身份证件进行登记,或者采用匿名登记等方式。

3. 鼓励桑拿场所采用新技术,如人脸识别、健康码等,实现疫情防控与隐私保护的平衡。






1. 杭州滨江桑拿:位于杭州滨江区的桑拿场所,环境优雅,设施齐全,服务专业。这里不仅提供桑拿、按摩、水疗等服务,还有茶道、红酒品鉴等活动,为顾客带来全方位的休闲娱乐体验。

2. 海纳百川、大浪淘沙、盛世巴黎:这三家位于杭州市区的桑拿场所,以优质的服务、优雅的环境和专业的技师而闻名。技师们美丽大方,服务态度热情,是消费者们休闲娱乐的首选之地。

3. 晚欲雪男士会馆:遍布于一二线主流城市的男士桑拿按摩spa会馆,为业界精英人士提供娱乐、休闲、疗养于一体的休闲生活。会所内红酒水疗、spa、中式餐点等设施齐全,让您在享受桑拿的同时,身心得到舒缓。

4. 杭州上城区桑拿Spa休闲场所:作为本市最好的养生馆TOP1,这里的桑拿Spa休闲场所环境奢华典雅,服务周到,是商务会面、放松心情的理想之地。


1. 环境舒适:选择桑拿娱乐场所时,首先要关注其环境是否舒适。一个干净、整洁、温馨的环境,能让人在享受桑拿的同时,感受到家的温馨。

2. 服务专业:桑拿娱乐场所的服务质量直接影响到顾客的体验。选择一家服务专业的场所,可以让您在享受桑拿的过程中,感受到宾至如归的待遇。

3. 项目丰富:一家出色的桑拿娱乐场所,应该提供多样化的服务项目,满足不同顾客的需求。如桑拿、按摩、水疗、茶道、红酒品鉴等。

4. 口碑良好:了解一家桑拿娱乐场所的口碑,可以通过网络、朋友推荐等方式。选择口碑良好的场所,可以确保您享受到优质的服务。







1. 经验丰富的技师:晚欲雪会馆拥有众多经验丰富的技师,手法娴熟,能够为您带来极致的放松体验。
2. 多样化的项目:会馆提供桑拿、SPA、水疗、养生等多种项目,满足您的不同需求。
3. 精致的中式餐点:会馆内的中式餐厅,提供精致的中式美食,让您在享受桑拿的同时,品味美食。



1. 优质的服务:盛世巴黎桑拿水疗会所秉承“顾客至上,完美服务”的原则,竭诚为您提供全方位的贴心服务。
2. 美丽的技师:会所内的技师,身材纤细,皮肤光滑,手法精湛,为您带来愉悦的体验。
3. 舒适的环境:会所环境优雅,设施齐全,让您在享受桑拿的同时,感受到家的温馨。



1. 高端的环境:帝濠会皇家桑拿内部装修豪华,设施齐全,让您在享受桑拿的同时,感受高端的氛围。
2. 专业的技师:会馆内的技师,拥有丰富的桑拿经验,能够为您提供专业的服务。
3. 丰富的项目:帝濠会皇家桑拿提供多种桑拿项目,满足您的不同需求。



1. 专业的技术:天堂人间国际水疗馆拥有众多专业技师,为您带来高品质的水疗服务。
2. 舒适的环境:水疗馆内部环境优雅,设施齐全,让您在享受水疗的同时,感受到宁静与放松。
3. 多样化的项目:水疗馆提供多种水疗项目,满足您的不同需求。


Lingqing and Yanchixia are not startled to hear this name.

This nine-day demon-swinging ancestor said that he was Zhenwu Emperor and Xuantian Emperor.
There is a saying that Zhu Di, the ancestor, is the embodiment of Zhenwu Emperor.
It is also said that Zhang Sanfeng, the founder of Taiji, is the embodiment of Zhenwu Emperor.
The Journey to the West also said that Zhenwu Emperor lived in the Taihe Palace in Wudang Mountain.
"So is the demon-swinging ancestor still here?"
Lingqing heart movement asked
"I don’t know, but I’ve never heard of him falling behind since the first world war."
Mujing soft shook his head and said
"I want to come either because of the Ghost King War or because I don’t know how to get back to the world."
It is possible that both guesses are incarnations. After all, they are incarnations. If they are not enlightened at that time, they may fall.
Of course, it is also possible to say that he can successfully avoid Liu Bowen’s means and return to the world
Of course, he is still alive, maybe. After all these years, the ghost king of Yinshan has never lived in the world.
I think there must be a hidden reason that no one knows.
Or I’m afraid that I don’t know where to wander, or I’m really hurt, and I’ve never recovered.
After knowing the strength of the Five Ghosts King and talking about some secrets, everyone talked about something else.
Then there is nothing too worrying about the mood when talking about Tao and acting.
After all, there is no way to constantly improve your strength by worrying.
Then the soldiers will have means to block the water.
In the next view, life is simple and orderly. Although busy every day, it is as calm as water.
Lingqing takes everyone to do morning classes every morning.
After homework, Mu Jingrou, Xiao Qian and others clean their karma and practice their own sin.
After breakfast, Xiaoqian and others worked separately.
However, the mountain labor is not heavy, so everyone will practice separately if they get it.
On whether it is the idea of the spirit symbol or the ritual practice of the spirit symbol, it is urgent to grind the water.
It’s also reasonable to match it at this time.
Besides, with the practice, it is much more convenient and faster for everyone to work.
And Yan Chixia and Mu Jingrou often give a hand to help, although they don’t need to work.
Lingqing also goes to Xiaoqian and Zixiang from time to time.
Look at the things in the field and the animals in the Houshan Zoo.
In the afternoon, it is time for Lingqing to answer questions and preach the Taoist scriptures.
First, tell a passage about the times and classics, and then answer your doubts one by one.
Then, after dinner, I have a late class.
If there are no other important things, Lingqing, Yanchixia and Mujing Rou will go back to their rooms to have a rest.
Xiaoqian and others will also rest in the lotus bud after washing and practicing their spirits.
Mujing is soft and powerful, so he doesn’t need to use Yuehua to exercise his mind at night.
Yu Zixiang and other small demons can rise in strength without success.
Then the next morning it was repeated like this.
Lingqing and Yan Chixia and Mu Jingrou will talk about it from time to time in their leisure time every day.
Mujing soft number Yanchixia also knows that there is no taboo.
Ling Qing will talk about her own natural way for a while, and Yan Chixia will also talk about the experience of exorcising demons.
And Mujing Rou will also talk about the intelligence news in the demon world, which makes them gain a lot of knowledge.
Although she has never been out of Huaiyin Mountain, she knows a lot about these things.
At this time, the circulation of Lingqing just entered the vice-time, but it was at the end of March.
Now it’s dog days, and it’s hot in June.
At noon this day, everyone finished their work early and gathered in the courtyard to chat.
In the past, when I was in grandma’s hands, I was intrigued with each other.
Every day, I am afraid that I will be caught by something, for fear that I will be beaten by a ghost whip and stick, and I will be scared to death.
Nowadays, the law of daily life is just like that of life, and with the gradual transfer of one’s sin to Liantai.
The whole person also relaxed a lot and stopped thinking about those dark things.
There is even leisure to get together and tease, discuss the cultivation method and share some tips.
Recently, everyone has developed three basic visual symbols and learned several enemy-defeating spells.

When the two men thought out this result, Ge Xuan also made it clear who Master Gao Cai was. If Master Gao Cai knew this, he would be afraid to smile bitterly.

In the two people’s thinking, the Taoist priest in Fu Zhao said that he would once again change a Fu Zhao into Gao Cai’s head and disappear.
When everyone was shocked with horror, Gao Cai was shocked, and my heart was full of regrets. It was thanks to this that I saved myself, otherwise I would have become a reincarnation at this time.
Looking at the people around you with a look of horror, Gao Cai felt more deeply in his heart. He was finally justified and too clear.
In many feelings, the talented person bowed down in vain. "My brother’s worship of my ancestors will certainly not disgrace the high hopes of my ancestors!"
It’s already too clear for me after receiving the martial arts edict, and I believe that my father must also know what’s going on here, otherwise he wouldn’t drop the edict.
If this hook Chen and Pu Xian do it again, it will be a saint’s anger.
Thinking of this, Gao Cai’s heart suddenly opened up, and all his worries disappeared. The joy of life and death made Gao Cai cherish everything at present and the importance of the strength of the white sect.
In the virtual, I just stared at Gou Chen and Pu Xian’s eyes, but I deeply remembered that the hatred of life and death will be rewarded someday.
At this time, Gou Chen and Pu Xian did not expect that this calculation turned out to be such a result, and they also knew that now they are beginning to exterminate saints, and they are bound to suffer the wrath of saints.
When both of them don’t speak, they sketch the future results according to their thoughts. At this time, suddenly, the gods in Chen’s hands are shaken and the divine power forms a virtual spiral nest. When Gao Cai is puzzled, he suddenly feels that the array plan suppresses Chen Xing Jun and disappears.
Detect that GouChen Xing Jun was rescued, Gao Cai’s face was one leng, and he immediately reached out and shook his hand to quickly start the nine-curve Yellow River array, protect the blue tower deep in the array eye and ban it, and suppress the fuhu Luohan layer by layer to let it escape.
Just after doing this, Gao felt the array shake up to resist the invasion of thick Buddha’s light
At the same time, the Qingta violently oscillated, and the Fu Fu Luohan’s counterattack seemed to break, and the sapphire butterfly had to quickly exert its mana to suppress it to prevent Fu Fu Luohan from flying out.
Did you see the rescue of Lohan Fu? Pu Xian’s original cool and calm face suddenly looked gloomy like water. He looked at Gao Cai coldly and said, "Lohan Fu is the Buddha’s dharma protector. You must measure yourself, or the sage can’t protect you."
"I know!"
Looking at Pu Xian Gao Cai cold face light drink a way didn’t pay too much attention to this fuhu arhat captured and held himself can’t just let it go.
Listening to Gao Cai’s words, Pu Xian looked at the eye height lightly and slowly disappeared. Gou Chen also looked at the eye height deeply and slowly disappeared.
After the disappearance of the two men, Gao Cai was really relieved and flew to Ge Xuan’s side with a respectful look and said, "Brother, thank you for your help!"
Ge Xuan smiled at the sight of Gao Cai’s brother-in-law ceremony. If this Gao Cai holds the brother-in-law ceremony, he still agrees that he is Rover’s brother-in-law, and he can’t help but appreciate it.
"Now that this matter has happened, I have to report back to heaven!"
Smiling, Ge Xuan bowed his hand to the four dragon kings in the distance, then got up and left. Now this series of events here is afraid that it has shaken the heaven and made it a mess. He had to go back quickly and leave.
Seeing that Ge Xuan left Gao Cai, he ignored everyone and went to the four dragon kings in horror and surprise. "Gao Cai has seen his father and several uncles!" Now, the four dragon kings risked their lives to save him, which has made Gao Cai feel sincere and Weng Xuli report it.
"Hum, be nice to my daughter or I’ll come back and get even with you."
When I heard Gao Cai’s words, the four dragon kings recovered from the vibration. The dragon king’s face in the East China Sea changed. I didn’t expect that this cheap son-in-law turned out to be too clear. When I was satisfied with Gao Cai, my daughter wouldn’t be bullied in the future. It was also too clear that the saints married karma, which made the four dragon kings happy.
"My daughter is still in turmoil in the four seas, and your three uncles and I are going back to prevent some hooligans from taking the opportunity to make trouble. When it calms down here, we will come back to see my father!"
With that, the Dragon King in the East China Sea kindly said to Princess Yuzhen that he would leave here quickly if he moved his body.
Suddenly thought of what the old dragon king turned to Gao Cai and said, "This time, many people from the Louvre school came to help the old Long Ping rebel against you. Thank you for your cause and effect."
After saying these things, I didn’t reply until I was unequal in height. The rapid departure of the four dragon kings is obviously also worrying about things in the four seas. This also makes Gao Cai imagine that there must be great turmoil and disaster in the four seas, and I am very grateful to these four old dragon kings.
At the same time, I can’t help but thank the Louvre Sect. It’s inconvenient for this sect to come out, but it turned a corner to help myself. This kindness also touched my heart.
After these top-level talents left, Gao Cai came to the heart, the moon, the fox and the Notre Dame. Looking at the two men, they stood still and were shocked. Gao Cai couldn’t help but smile slightly. "Thank you for saving Gao Cai in the future."
"Why are you so small? There is an old dragon king in the East China Sea so justifying a fault. Don’t bully my bamboo after you."
Hear Gao Cai heart month fox return to absolute being didn’t good the spirit ground say
A shake in the hand released the bamboo. When it came out, the bamboo suddenly jumped up and cried and said, "I’m worried that something will happen. If something happens to Brother Gao, I won’t live."
At this time, the bamboo that survived the robbery did not consider any taboo and cried to express the true feelings in her heart.
See bamboo jump high just beside YuZhen couldn’t help but hum let high just a face of embarrassment, even xiaoqing and lady white snake is weird looking at high just let high just had to change the subject quickly.
"Ahem! We are now back to the West Lake Dragon Palace. After this big battle, many things need to be dealt with. "
Gao Cai hurriedly fork topic said
Now, after this great war, the Dragon Palace in West Lake has suffered heavy casualties and has to be trimmed, and the achievements after this great war also need to be sorted out.
Everyone knows that these things have gone to the West Lake without entanglement. After this war, many things need to be dealt with, which can be described as a waste of time.
"It’s good that you are out of danger. We have to look for Baihuaxian and Bai Mudan, so we can’t delay here. You take good care of the bamboo for me. If there is any damage, I’ll chop you!"
Looking at Gao Cai Xin Yue Hu, some people are not assured to tell him, and the Three Virgin quickly left here. They are also worried about Baihuaxian things, and the West Lake is in a state of great waste and they are unwilling to deal with these trivial things.
"I dare not call at any time if I need a high talent!"
Looking at two people high just can’t help but smile.
After seeing them off, Gao Cai quickly returned to the Dragon Palace in the West Lake with all the people. As soon as he returned to the Dragon Palace, Gao Cai quickly ordered a list of things for everyone to quickly arrange to sort out the Qiantang River.
Before leaving, I blocked the whole West Lake with the help of the force of the sea to prevent the bandits from taking the opportunity to rob.
After the blockade of the Pearl River, the West Lake was shrouded in a layer of sea waves. After this, Gao gave a sigh of relief, and then he ignored external affairs and went into the Jiuqu Yellow River array to recover his injuries and deal with these oppressed people
Chapter two hundred and nineteen Treasure King Kong
Sitting in the center of Jiuqu Yellow River Array, Gao Cai glanced at the damage of many magic weapons. After this war, these magic weapons were damaged to varying degrees. Fortunately, they were not too serious, so they waved and collected many magic weapons into Yuan Shen to raise them at a moderate temperature.
I don’t care too much about getting them back to their normal height after a period of warm cultivation.
Put these magic weapons behind you and let them absorb the external incense. If you have enough incense, the wild lamp will slowly recover.
Now that I’ve been sealed, the incense of the Tang Dynasty to protect the country and the dragon is flooding in, it will take a moment to restore the wild lamp to normal.
Let the wild lamp recover on its own, and then Gao Cai will take out the two dragon kings and treat them. Gao Cai will directly take two dharma gods from the wild lamp and refine them into the bodies of the two dragon kings.
After controlling these two dragons, Gao Cai ignored them and threw them out directly to let them continue to control Taihu Lake and Honghe to expand their strength.
After this battle, Gao Cai became more and more white, and the importance of strength and power. Only with strong strength and power in this world can we protect ourselves and gain longevity and freedom.
If the Qing sage hadn’t protected himself, he would have been killed now.
Gao Cai knows better that the truth is that if you want to really realize something, you must rely on your own great efforts to achieve it and make yourself truly powerful.

Zhu Yuanzhang laughed. "Let’s have something to eat."

While eating, the fireman asked, "Are you rebels?"
Zhu Yuanzhang nodded, "Yes, we are the rebel leader Zhu Yuanzhang. The Mongols have brutally harmed me. The Han people will give me another ten years, and I will be able to drive the Mongols back to the northern grassland. I wonder if you can stay and help me?"
Pyrotechnics Buddhist monk sneered, "You’re so brave. You dare to recruit the youngest. Do you know who I am? I am the bodhi old zu of Jingangmen in the Western Regions, and the Mongolian court has canonized me. Believe it or not, I will kill you now! "
The momentum of the pyrotechnic Buddhist monk has soared, and Zhu Yuanzhang is about to be overwhelmed.
Zhu Yuanzhang braved the sweat on his forehead and calmly said, "It’s easy for the elder to kill the younger generation, but the elder should also see that the Mongolian court has indeed been corrupted and perished sooner or later. It’s only a matter of time before the elder wants you to help me. Zhu Yuanzhang can guarantee that you will be rich and prosperous, and you can be the first sect all day long. Of course, the elder can come to our camp. We can’t do things for the younger generation. We just need the elder to protect us."
The Pyrotechnic Buddhist monk hesitated for a long time. Now King Kong Gate has the temptation to really impress the Pyrotechnic Buddhist monk and make King Kong Gate the first sect all day.
King Kong Gate has been suppressed by tantric sects in the western regions for decades, and the Mongolian court has not escaped the fate of being suppressed.
If Zhu Yuanzhang can really make King Kong Gate surpass Tantric Sect, surpass Wudang and Shaolin Temple and Zhu Yuanzhang, it is not a bad idea.
"What you said is true?" Asked the pyrotechnic Buddhist monk
Zhu Yuanzhang nodded, "Nature is the true elder and the younger generation dare not deceive you even if they are bold one day. You are a great master and the most powerful fighter in the sky. If I really have any bad things, it will be easy for you to kill me."
The pyrotechnic Buddhist monk nodded, "Well, what you said is also small. You should remember that your words will destroy the Mongolian court in the future, but you want me to be the first sect of King Kong Gate all day."
Zhu Yuanzhang saw that the pyrotechnic Buddhist monk promised to help himself and immediately left happily.
Zhu Yuanzhang’s heart andao "I will let him kill Wang Yue when he visits this pyrotechnic Buddhist monk again … Wang Yue, aren’t you fierce? Didn’t you practice the sword? You are still going to die in front of the great master! "
The pyrotechnic Buddhist monk said coldly when Zhu Yuanzhang left, "The Mongolian court didn’t pay attention to my King Kong Gate. I became a great master, but I didn’t even say that it seems that Dong Tianbao is in the hearts of the Mongols. Since Zhu Yuanzhang is so old, he can’t find another way out. If Zhu Yuanzhang really destroys the Mongolian court, I will be able to be the first sect all day long. Then Tantric, Wudang and Shaolin will all be destroyed, and Dong Tianbao and Zhang Sanfeng will die!"
Two months later, Wang Yue finally consolidated the sword and the half-step master.
This day, the housekeeper sent a letter from Master Wen.
Wang Yue read the letter and was surprised. "The lion slaughter meeting? It turned out that Xie Xun was caught by Shaolin Temple. "
The letter also wrote the reason for the lion slaughter conference.
Xie Xun taught the four great French kings that his hands were covered with blood and killed many of his Wulin colleagues. The lion slaughter meeting was to elect Wulin Zun and to kill Xie Xun.
Whoever defeats Tianqunxiong and finally surpasses the three "Du" generation monks in Shaolin Temple is the Wulin Zun Xie Xun and will be killed by Wulin Zun.
Defeating three Shaolin Temple masters, killing Xie Xun, killing his fellow Wulin, and taking revenge to become Wulin Zun, will be widely expected.
"Isn’t the lion slaughter meeting a Shaolin Temple conspiracy like the second time?" Wang Yue wondered in his heart.
The other five factions of Guangding were cheated by Shaolin Temple.
This time, Wang Yue didn’t compete for the martial arts honor, but it didn’t do him any good to attend the lion slaughter conference.
"Let’s see. Maybe Zhu Yuanzhang will go," said Wang Yue with a cold light in his eyes. "I must kill Zhu Yuanzhang, a scumbag!"
Zhu Yuanzhang constantly provoked Wang Yue, who hated him very much, and naturally he wouldn’t be polite when he met him.
Zhou Zhiruo in the Emei Sect Hall is talking with Shen Wansan and working with Zhu Yuanzhang.
At Excalibur Villa, Zhu Yuanzhang unexpectedly lost Zhou Zhiruo and escaped alone, which made Zhou Zhiruo very angry.
This time, Shen Wansan came to Emei Mountain to ease the two families
Bei Jingyi came in with a letter and said, "There’s a letter from Shaolin Temple, the owner."
After reading the letter, Zhou Zhiruo said with a smile, "Shen Gong was just talking about Xie Xun, but I didn’t expect to hear from Xie Xun now."
"It turns out that Xie Xun is in Shaolin Temple. Don’t worry, the lion slaying assembly will definitely take part in Xie Xun and die at my hands, but I hope you can promise me that those materials will be sent to Emei Mountain as soon as possible."
Shen Wansan got up and said, "Zhou Zhang, don’t worry, we promised you something and we won’t give it less. In this case, we will leave now."
Bei Jingyi asked Zhou Zhiruo, "Do we have to attend the lion slaughter meeting of the master?"
Zhou Zhiruo sneer at a way: "Of course, I want to attend this time, but I have a good chance to make a name for myself, and I can still thank Sun for being happy." It is very troublesome to challenge the three’ crossing’ generation monks in Shaolin Temple. "
Bei Jingyi worried, "But …"
At Bei Jingyi, Zhou Zhiruo said, "Sister, I won’t do anything if you don’t trust me."

Although he has the blood of a divine phoenix, he still has to lower his head in front of Long Huang!

"Tianfeng, you cannot escape!"
Su Mo’s voice slowly came to the bone.
"Ha ha ha ha!"
Tianfeng can see that she can’t escape. She just gave up her life and laughed. "It’s not my bad luck! This time, if I get the bone, I will have a chance to become a phoenix. At this time, you are running for your life! "
Tianfeng’s great power refused to give in easily, and Yuan Shen, Qi and blood, and mana have all been advanced to the limit and rushed towards Su Mo!
Su Mo looked afraid of the whole person as if he had swooped into a huge fireball!
A loud noise!
The flames are everywhere.
It was a short pause when Tianfeng’s great power was swallowed up by this huge fireball.
Su Mo’s figure reappeared, and he calmed down a little and continued to gallop towards Shenhuang Island.
Didn’t escape far Su Mo suddenly felt a palpitation!
It’s like being stared at by something terrible. It could be a disaster at any time!
He has stepped into the fit environment and achieved great success. On this day, there is not much that the wild mainland can threaten others!
There is a possibility that he can feel the crisis.
Mahayana bodhi old zu!
I don’t know if it’s the bodhi old zu in Penglai Island or the bodhi old zu in the Sun.
Su Mo’s warning signs flashed in his heart!
He kept looking up consciously.
See the sky suddenly dim.
A huge black cloud hovered over his head and rolled like ink!
Gradually, this huge cloud rotates to form a huge vortex.
There is a strange force in the center of the vortex.
Su Mo stared at the center of the whirlpool and looked dignified.
Generate in the center of the whirlpool gives a touch of divine light!
Fortunately, Su Mo’s eyes melted into the candle stone, otherwise this divine light would be enough to blind his eyes!
See the vortex center Su Mo can’t help but gasp in air conditioning.
The center of the black cloud vortex turned out to be a huge eye!
At this time, the eyes kept a close eye on Su Mo. It seems that Su Mo can’t hide from the eyes wherever he fled!
Su Mo killed Penglai Island Shaozhu and many fit powers in Penglai Island’s big killing town, and finally shocked the Mahayana bodhi old zu!
Not surprisingly, this should be the ancestor of Penglai Island.
If the bodhi old zu of the Sun nationality exudes breath, it should be different
This eye suddenly blinked!
A terrible force enveloped Su Mo’s body, and the flame was almost extinguished. All the bones gave a creaking sound as if they were about to fall apart!
This is the Mahayana bodhi old zu power!